
I always want my first words to acknowledge and glorify our KING!!

"Holy Spirit, convict them and expose the truth to all that reads this. Amen" 

Today, being Sunday August 8th, 2021, I am sitting in my cold garage with Julie True’s resting in you song playing on my phone. I am desperately asking Holy Spirit to minister to my heart, guide my words and keystrokes as I endeavor to type my first content blog. 

I am not the best writer in the world, but I know the LORD can use nothing and make it into something. AMEN!

As I type I have no idea in which direction this is going to go, but I am prayerfully going ahead and just let HOLY spirit lead and let the typing flow. 

Of late I have been feeling something stirring in my spirit.....  a heaviness for our youth and a heaviness for the condition of people hearts.

I have sat back and watched those naively pushing ungodly agendas.  I have seen a compromising of the faith and lack of reverence for the LORD. I have sat quietly for many years 20 years in fact, for fear of judgement and fear that some people are not simply not ready to hear what I am about to to say. Regardless how you feel, this is my story.  

PERFECT LOVE casts out all fear!

 I know the enemy is prowling like a lion waiting to devour in the form of people that are waiting to pounce and to see what they can use to accuse.

 I am always hyper aware  that I must walk in humility.  My goal is always to point people to the cross and the beautiful gift of salvation.  

Holy Spirit says " Its time! "   No more focus on the accusers or fear of what people will say' this is not for them!

  • This is for those that are genuinely searching for the KING,
  • Those that are willing to die to self!
  • Those that make decisions not based on the pleasures  of this life.
  • Those who are genuinely wanting to take up their cross at ANY cost, and lay it all down at the foot of the cross!
  • This is for those that want the uncompromised gospel!
  • This is for those are seeking authentic/real relationship with JESUS and HOLY spirit.
  • This is for those that understand the reverence of the LORD.
  • This is for those that ready to RISE UP with a kingdom agenda! 
  • This is for those who will not be satisfied with anything less than the experience of HIS presence and glory! 

This is for those who value such a relationship with Abba, father enough to be willing to pay the price in their own lives to achieve it - the pain of daily carrying the cross. This blog is for those who are willing to strive for holiness, obedience and to worship Yeshua,  in spirit and in truth, for those who are seeking our Fathers  heart! 

Disclaimer: I fully acknowledge that I am who I am; purely and only because of the LORD! My faith has grown out of places of brokenness where I had no one but Jesus to turn to!  I am not perfect nor do I claim to be. BUT I know a perfect GOD who continues to teach, disciple, correct and love me!  

Romans 8:6 

 But a time is coming and is already here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [from the heart, the inner self] and in truth; for the Father seeks such people to be His worshipers. 24 God is spirit [the Source of life, yet invisible to mankind], and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Brokenness:  My Truth.

Let’s start here... no one knows more than me about being completed depleted and broken down. As I reflect on my childhood I can see the hand of the enemy and how he tried a few times to take my life.. even as a baby!

My mother tells me when I was a baby as I lay sleeping in the bed with her she was awoken by angel as I was being suffocated!  

Another time when my friends and I on the way to our ball/prom we were doing 100kmph on the motorway and our back tyre blew! We were on the part of the motorway that had a ramp that would fall down to the ferry terminal, in Wellington, NZ its a long drop!  If you know anything about a tyre blowing at those speeds, you will know it is very dangerous!

The next day my dad tells me that  he was awoken and told to pray for my friends and I. He did not  know what had happened the night before! The exact time he prayed was the exact time that our tyre blew! You cannot tell me that GOD is not real! You just cant!

I have so many stories of the enemy trying to break me.. but GOD had a plan and a calling on my life and  that is to glorify JESUS!

The enemy destroyed my value and worth as a child and hurtful words lingered and caused deep soul wounds that stayed till my twenties and thirties. I also carried shame of past decisions. Thus creating a foothold for the enemy. Bitterness, anger, self pity and self loathing ensued.

 I was married at 21 had children at 22 and 23 years old. It was during this time that I hit rock bottom mentally.  I had post natal depression and didn't even know until my midwife at the time pointed it out!

I was still dealing with childhood stuff that I had no spiritual understanding about. All I knew was that I was hurt and broken!  And no one seemed to understand me! Suicide plagued my thoughts! But my little family kept me going.  I knew I needed to be the mother my daughters needed even in my broken state.

If I am being completely honest I know now that I parented my daughters from my brokenness and sadly perpetuated the family cycle that I was trying to avoid. 

My daughters are now twenty and eighteen years old  and I still have to re examine how and why I respond the way that I do and prayerfully take it to the LORD.

Although my wounds are healed I still bear the scars.  My daughters and husband are not scared to lovingly point it out when I am out of line or simply out of order!   I am thankful for this correction.

The Lord has given me so much understanding and wisdom in regards to behaviors of childhood hurts. My heart is always tender to those who have suffered much without realising the impact it has had on them and their behaviours as an adult and why they respond to situations they way they do.  Once you have this perspective you tend to be less judgy and more lovey!  

 I am glad that I have always been open with my girls to my story so that they will have understanding and perspective as to why people behave the way they do. 


Well, it all started with a book!  A colleague had mentioned she had book titled " He came to set the captives free!" by Rebecca Brown and it opened her eyes to the enemies game plan.   She said that "This book is not just for anyone you have to be ready to read it as you cant undo what your read once you have read it!" She advised to pray before I decide to read this book and then come back to her when I am ready.   One thing I know how to do is PRAY! So I prayed.  

Months had passed and l finally told her I am ready!  LORD have mercy,  I understood why i needed to be ready! This book is graphic and  confronting and I would caution you the same advice as my friend gave me. I strongly encourage you before you go out and buy this book to prayerfully seek the LORDS council before reading it. 

This book opened my eyes and it was then did I really come to understand the power and significance and the amazing gift that Jesus gave us, it is the epitome of a sacrificial love that was shown on the cross! Oh, how he LOVES us!  But also the sovereignty and power of Abba, father!  There is POWER IN THE BLOOD! 

The Lord used this book to minister to me. It shook me  and it uncovered things that I didn't even realise was in my home! Doors I had opened in my thought life and words I had spoken creating strongholds .  

I then preceded to read her next book titled " Prepare for WAR"  And that is when  my ministry really started to unfold and has continued ever since.  That was over 20 years ago.

The book opened my eyes to how strategic the enemy is and  how he uses everyday things to keep you in bondage e.g music, horoscopes, movies, crystals, psychics, yoga, meditation to name a few.  But glory, glory glory do we have and powerful and overcomer as a Father!  

The  book explained the weapons that the Lord gave us to  war against the enemy. This detailed  why we must wear " ALL"  our armour! The enemy is plotting 24 hours and  365 days a year to ensnare you! Wear your 'FULL" ARMOUR saints! 

Ephesians 6:11-18
New International Version
11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

The Lord has led me to a ministry of deliverance and breaking of strongholds! At the time I did not know that I would need to be equipped for what was coming!     Trust me when I say that I did not choose this. My choice would have been a quiet seat at the back. I would be quite happy to be a silent achiever at the back helping people without anyone watching. It has served me well thus far.

HIS will not mine.. 

WARNING!  I think every Christian CAN and SHOULD cast out demons as a part of their ministry, just like Jesus and his disciples did. But the preparation for doing so is a maturity that stands the tests of trials and tribulations. I like to use Jesus' ministry as an example of how we should begin, proceed and end.

 Do not go into this area if you do not understand your authority. You are not the one doing the delivering it is not your power it is the HOLY SPIRIT 's. You are simply using your authority. 

Demons are real and you do not engage in areas you have no understanding in. You open up doors and give the enemy a foothold and you cause more damage to the person you are ministering to and you open yourself to these things!

This is not a game nor a joke particularly when a spirit manifests. I can tell you from personal experience you better know who Jesus and the HOLY SPIRIT is and the authority the LORD gave you!

The enemy knows who you are in the kindgom and if you are fraud or fake! They will mock and laugh at you!  If you don't know who you are in Christ and have a genuine relationship with the LORD, you will be deceived.  The enemy will gain territory over you too! You must discern and prayerfully seek guidance of Holy Spirit. DO NOT ENGANGE IN THIS TERRITORY WITH LACK OF WISDOM, HUMILITY,UNDERSTANDING, MATURITY AND HOLY SPIRIT GUIDANCE.

LUKE 10:19 

"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you"

My eyes were opened to the strongholds over my life. 

The moment I gained understanding of my authority in Jesus’ name my whole walk with the Lord changed!  I got to to experience first hand the love of my  Father. HE set me free from my bondage that held me captive for so many years. I began to understand the full completion of the cross. Such love and sacrifice! what a loving father! I know I am not that same girl that once was and I have never looked back! And he continues to refine me and teach me. 

Salvation is such a gift! You cannot earn it , The LORD is simply waiting for you to acknowledge HIM. 

Lets keep going.. Holy Spirit led me to confront my hurts and the people that hurt me. I had to apologise to the people that I had hurt as I had to own my part that I played too. I had to release my forgiveness in order to go into my new season! This spanned over a few years (I am a slow learner and a stubborn one at that .... sorry Lord)

I thought I had confessed and repented for everything until just last week Holy Spirit revealed that I had a slavery mindset. It always amazes me how  the LORD works these things out.  

 It started with a random conversation with a colleague who is South African, and had  studied the history of South Africa. Note that I am a coloured South African. 

She started sharing with me about the ancestry roots of the coloured South Africans.  Naively, I did not know that as a coloured South African I had slavery roots!  I have  been in New Zealand for 33 years and came here as a 10 year old. It was something I never explored or was ever spoken about. 

 I then went on to do some research and found it to be true.( I also know I have African DNA mixed with lots of others as confirmed via  DNA testing.)

I thought nothing of this conversation till months later I was listening to a sermon  in my car by the late Derek Prince talking about slavery strongholds. He said that " Many Africans have been emancipated from slavery in the natural but not in the spiritual." When he said that Holy Spirit HIT ME!  That's when I recalled that conversation with my colleague.  

If you know me well,  you will know when  HOLY SPIRIT speaks I listen and obey!   You better believe I started breaking that  slavery mindset and stronghold off me and my thinking! I was on full attack mode whilst driving.  I can't imagine what I looked like to passers by! 

More so, it revealed so much about my slavery mindset!  I reflected through all the years and interactions I have had. I always felt that I was on the cusp on something good but it  nothing ever eventuated.   It made me reflect on the way I allowed people to treat me, why I never spoke up or acted on things that were out of line. I was always opting to taking the road to keeping the peace at all costs regardless of how i was being treated. 

 From slavery to SONSHIP!  Freedom from bondage!

Until we come to understand the fullness of the cross we will never understand that our freedom was bought with a price!  The crucifixion was transactional and revelational!  He really nailed it ALL - ALL to the cross!  Our penalty and sin was nailed to that cross - our debt is PAID IN FULL!

Lets keep going..... The LORD prepared me for things 20 years ago that would show up 20 years later!  Boy, I am glad he did!!  I had to learn how to put on my full arrnour and start tearing down the walls that kept me imprisoned! But also to pray a covering over my little family. 

The walls of anger, bitterness, selfishness, unforgiveness and the list just goes on....  If I didn't know how to fight, my family and I would be a mess! We are by no means perfect we still have our struggles but we have overcome so much that no-one knows about! And we are stronger for it. I absolutely adore  my little family! 

You cant tell me GOD and deliverance is not real! I have seen it and through the power of HOLY SPIRT have ministered it! 

 The devil is prowling and waiting to devour so many of GODS people and some of you don't know how to wield your sword!  GLORY BE TO GOD, I pray you learn! 

We must as the body of Christ teach everyone how to wage war in prayer! 

Someone reading this is being attacked in their thought life and they had no idea where these foul thoughts are coming from!


 I must now preface the next paragraph,  the examples listed below are not always strongholds/curses. Not everything is from the enemy and lets not give him credit for that!. I am always reminded of the story of JOB.

Someone reading this has strongholds and curses operating  that can be in form of Infertility, broken marriages, addictions, rage, depression, laziness (yes) unable to make decisions, broken and fractured relationships always wanting to validation from others and confusion and they didn't even know it. This is only a few there are many others.  The Bible says that  curses are tied to choices. Deuteronomy 30:19 says we can either choose life and blessing or death and cursing. 

It would pay to do some research in this area if you suspect you have a stronghold. You must do this prayerfully and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and maybe talk to someone in your church that has wisdom and understanding in this area.  Another thing to mention is you can’t force deliverance on someone they have to be willing to accept Jesus and healing. 

Now to my scientific/clinical purists, naysayers, eye rollers, skeptics and non-believers. Wherever you fall in the above spectrum, its ok. It’s hard to believe things you have no understanding or tangible evidence in! Sometimes ignorance is not BLISS and fear can hide the truth.  But know this, what I speak about is not theory but practical lessons! And I will be so bold to say, take stock of your thoughts right now and pray about that thought and rebuke it right now in Jesus name.

 Once I learned these principles my life took on a whole new path! The Lord placed me in strategic areas. The Lord showed me things that I didn't always understand in its entirety  but it was always revealed and explained in the end.

Some things I failed at and still do! I know why the LORD says, "Do not lean on your own understanding!" But HE continues to refine this broken vessel. 

I had to learn to lean on HOLY SPIRIT. HE is the one that does all the work, I simply have to walk in obedience. He is the potter and I am the clay!  

 Some battles I have been praying over 20 years and still to this day I am yet to see it answered.  I always think about how the Israelites roamed the desert for 40 years before they saw the promise land. So I will continue to wait patiently. Not every battle is won instantly ,sometimes there is a refining process in the waiting. 

Psalm 32: 7 

7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Ephesians 6:16

16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

The sad truth is the body of Christ don't know how to wield their sword or recognise an an attack from the enemy. Some are ill equipped on the battle field. The devil is in constant attack mode. He is warring after your soul saints.  You must learn how to fight when the enemy is coming for you mind, health, marriage, finances and children! Lets share the full gospel. 

If you don't know your weapons, please search scriptures and prayerfully ask Holy Spirit to teach you how to fight!

My story continues….. I quietly pursued the Lord and kept pressing in to having a deeper relationship and understanding of who He is. I never ceased praying, through my tears I prayed, through my anger I prayed, through my joy I prayed. Through my disappointments I prayed. Through my desperation I prayed! Through my pain I prayed!

Binding and breaking strongholds.  You would be surprised to know how many people I have ministered to having strongholds an manifesting demons operating in their lives! 

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ"

These are fighting words! 

God knows all about strongholds and He knows how to take them down— and he’ll tell you how to do it, if you’re willing to fight!

 When you come up against a stronghold in your life, do you just want to give up? Or are you willing to fight to break the stronghold?

Strongholds are captured by people who are willing to fight, people with the audacity to fight back against the enemy! People who understand the power of the blood of Jesus Christ! People who understand their authority in the kingdom. 
If you are willing, God will help you. The Word and the Spirit of God will show you how! You simply need to ask! 

Satan and his minions want to capture the minds of people: the mind is the citadel of the soul it is the central point to your mind!. He who controls the mind controls a very strategic place! Protect it saints!

Romans 8:5-6:

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

 I pose this question “ Are you ready to take up your cross, and take back what the enemy stole from you and fight back?!  Are you ready to say Jesus I give it ALL to you withholding nothing. I surrender it all? Then pray this prayer with me.

Jesus Christ I confess and I proclaim that You are my Saviour and Lord over my life. I proclaim that the stripes You bore on the Cross at Calvary, has established You "my Redeemer."

I intercede the Blood of Jesus Christ, and I command the roots of any curses that have ensnared themselves against me and my family members to be uprooted and destroyed in the same way that Jesus had spoke words against the fig tree in Matthew 21:19,20, and that tree withered up and died. Let these curses die now in Jesus Mighty Name. 

 Father, your Word says Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law, having been made a curse for me. Therefore, I break and command every curse and their manifestations of sicknesses, diseases, dysfunctional lifestyles, failed marriages, character flaws, financial poverty, spiritual oppression, addictions, death and destruction off myself, and all future generations, in Jesus’ name. I place the cross between all past generations and myself. Every curse and assignment must stop at the cross, in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank you Lord that I am now free from any and all strongholds and curses in Jesus Name!
































































































































































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